
Utilize Your Inner Filmmaker as a PM

Video production skills can be a valuable asset for product managers in several ways: By using your video production skills in these ways, you can become a more effective product manager and better communicate your ideas and vision to your team and stakeholders. The basics of video production include understanding the following: To learn the […]

Becoming a World-Class Product Manager

Becoming the world’s best product manager is a challenging goal, as it requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and experience. Here are some high-level tips that may help you on your journey: Becoming the best product manager is a challenging and highly subjective goal, as it depends on your definition of “best” and the specific […]

Writing Great User Stories

A user story is a tool used in agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. The goal of a user story is to articulate the value that a new feature will bring to the end-user. To write a user story, you should follow these steps: By following […]

Product Management Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is a term that is often used in the business world to describe individuals or organizations that are perceived as being at the forefront of their industry or field. In the field of product management, thought leadership can be an important attribute for both individual product managers and organizations as a whole. One […]